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The Way to Mastership...

Came across this old school Lauryn Hill speech and I am SO inspired.  The perfect way to start the week.

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Heeeelp, SNOWED IN Atlanta!!!!

OMG, it's snowing in the ATL and I am starting to get cabin fever.  To make matters worse I wasn't able to  make it back home last night and my duchess is home alone. : ( 


It started downtown last night around 8 and by the time I packed my stuff up to leave the library (8:30), and got in the car it was coming down FAST & hard.  I made one stop at Trader Joes (5 minutes) and got back on the road.  I got about 3 miles before I couldn't go any further towards the freeway.  Car, trucks and buses were sliding all around, tires were spinning, IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!  My low profile "high performance" tires obviously were not made to perform in the snow.

I ended up using a lifeline to "phone a friend" who lives in the city and was pretty close by to where I was almost stranded.  It literally took an hour for them to get there to let me in while I sat in my car eating jalepeno Tostitos and listening to Anne Rice's Angel Time on CD.          

I will be so glad when I can get in my car and drive away.  I appreciate the crash pad, but I wish I were in my OWN place with my OWN things, curled up by the fireplace.  SNOW BE DAMNED!  I wanna go HOME!   

{Photo courtesy of Caboose Chronicle.com}
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New Pages...

Hey everyone,

I'm so excited about this year and my plans to expand this blog... amongst other ventures in my life.  Check out the new pages as they become available.

I loved my library page so much I decided to include it as a regular post (also, in light of the fact that I am impatient to see how it looks as I try to figure out why I am unable to view it as a free-standing page-- I digress). Anyhoo, Feel free to chime in and let me know what you are reading/plan to read this year.

Presenting... {tea.loves books}

A couple of years ago I made a New Year's resolution to read at least 1 book per month.  Can't really substantiate whether or not I achieved that goal, but it definitely got me to dust off some good-intentioned purchases from my bookshelf,  find my library card, plus send some business to the great Amazon.com.

The point is, that resolution was the kick that I needed to re-commit to reading more.  Alas, while many speculate over the decline of traditional publishing and the book as we know it, I for one, am here to support the cause!  As a writer, I am often asked the question, "what are you reading?"  This new section is designed to inform ye' public of precisely that...

The first 2 books I knocked off in 2011 were both by Augusten Burroughs.

{clapping my hands and thanking GOD for the ability to listen to books on CD while driving}
His stories are hysterically fanciful, and well... magical (as the 1st title implies).

My gone but not forgotten FAV. 5 from 2010...

{although i did not break-up with anyone this year... this book did give me some needed perspective about dating + stupid boys and what happens when you put the 2 together.  I highly recommend it to all my single ladies.


Stay tuned...as there is much more to come... Happy 2011!
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