Street Harassment- Tell 'Em Why You Mad!

I came across this post on Clutch Mag that describes a problem that young women, myself included, come across on a daily basis-- STREET HARASSMENT.

I've had many days when I've wished that I were invisible as I moved through my day running errands, pumping gas, etc. It's an unfortunate situation and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is disturbed by the leering and unwanted cat calls that, for some reason, guys think is flattering. It is not.

Everyone knows of my desire to move to NY-- at least temporarily. When I think about the amount of walking and objectification that I may have to endure as a result of my extra-pedestrian activities, I must admit, I feel a bit apprehensive. I've been to NY several times and did a great deal of walking without incident but that was only within a short span of time-- a couple of days. I can remember my pre-car days on Marta and the sexual terrorism that was always a lurking possibility at every stop. These days it's hard enough warding off unwanted advances walking from a building to my car. Am I ready to relive the crazy on the subways of NY? I've gotta think about this one...

In the meantime check out this vid. about street harassment... and let me know if you can relate.

Tell 'Em Why You Mad Ep 004 Harassment from Tell Em Why You Mad on Vimeo.


Kat Robertson | November 30, 2010 at 2:22 AM

I TOTALLY feel what she was saying about not even being able to smile because it's like an invitation. I am the same way; I got to the point where I was so tired of men responding to my 'I'm married' with 'and?' or 'happily?' that I finally developed my own little travel persona which involves a scowl, brisk steps, and NO type of eye contact. I am a very friendly person... I love to greet people and say 'how are you doing?' in passing, but I can't do that because as she said, if you appear approachable, you will be approached.

It's unfortunate that people have no more respect than they do these days... It's appalling that grown people can't conduct themselves with any more class or maturity than the children they are only half-raising because mentally they aren't but half-grown themselves! It's such an uncomfortable situation to be in because on one hand, you don't want to respond to such stupidity since you know it won't do any good but on the other hand, you just wanna go Madea on them and smack the back of their head! lol

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos

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