Breaking up with my television

I'm so sad to have to announce that my television and I are officially breaking up-- Cable TV, anyway. Partly because I refuse to pay for cable and Comcast refuses to give it to me for free. Therefore, I will only watch programs on the internet at my convenience or at a friend's who has cable. No more getting sucked into mindless hours of senseless programming.

The primary reason is that I've come to the realization of exactly how awful TV is for me and my brain. My little noggin can only hold so much information before it starts to purge necessary files; there simply is not enough room for TV junk. Plus, when I compare my level of productivity and clarity of thought process during the school quarter versus when I'm on break, I'm astonished at how much more I accomplish without it.

During school I often do not have time for such frivolity. So, it only makes sense for us to part ways. No more Kardashians on Sundays, no more Bravo Housewives, Good bye BET and your gyrating music spectacles-- I'll have to catch you on YouTube, if at all. Foodnetwork, I'll miss you the most... maybe we can keep in touch on your website... (wiping the corners of my eyes).

I officially rebuke my reality TV addiction... as much as it pains me I have to let you go. My future is calling me to be my own reality star. I'll always think of you!


I ♥ reality TV... always


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